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2010: Ham on Wry

Can you do better than the "Davey Dewhurst sandwich"? A year-end Texas Tribune contest.

As he filed to run for the Democratic nomination for Lieutenant Governor today, Marc Katz described his potential Republican opponent as, well, something less than delicious. “The Davey Dewhurst sandwich is very starched, very white bread stuffed with baloney,” said the Austin deli owner, whose ubiquitious late-night commercials and relentless sloganeering ("Katz's Never Kloses!") have long conveyed, at least in his hometown, a minor celebrity on par with Ron Popeil, or maybe the late, great Crazy Eddie.

Why should the temperamentally ebullient if politically inexperienced Katz have all the fun? In honor of his ham-on-wry-style jab at the current Lite Guv, we invite our readers to send me sandwich constructions befitting other elected officials or 2010 candidates. (E-mail me at I'll publish our favorite submissions, and the wag responsible for the subjectively selected best-of-the-best will win a Texas Tribune baseball cap — and, naturally, lunch at Katz's with yours truly.

Wait! We need your help.


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State government David Dewhurst Texas Legislature