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T-Squared: What's Up, Docs?

Our latest bit of functionality: a searchable, sortable repository of every document on our site.

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This morning, in keeping with our whole it's-not-just journalism-it's-information schtick, we launched what may be our coolest app yet: one that allows you to explore red-light camera intersections statewide, interact with maps, view camera locations by specific cities, or drill down to individual intersections to see images, crash figures and citation totals. It's yet another Stiles-Babalola joint (those guys are rapidly becoming the Lennon and McCartney of data), and it can be yours for the low, low price of nothing — in keeping with our whole ubiquity-is-the-mother's-milk-yadda-yadda schtick, we're giving away, for free, the ability both to embed the app on your web site or in your blog and to download the data and create an app of your own. Very cool, and exceedingly mission-appropriate under the heading of you-gotta-see-it-to-believe-it.

But that's not the only bit of functionality we launched today. Less flashy and zippy but equally mission-appropriate is the overdue addition of documents alongside data in the "library" drop-down of our nav bar. Since we went live five weeks ago, we've been collecting docs of all sorts, from a Texas Border Security Council report to the invitation to SBOE candidate Thomas Ratliff's fundraiser, but they've been scattered around the site in their original landing places. All along we intended to put them in one place, in a searchable repository, and now we have. They're sortable alphabetically or by most recent/least recent, and they're all downloadable, of course, as PDFs.

More soon — including, next week (right, H.O.?), the feature that so many of you have requested.

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