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2010: Medina Makes it Official

As she files to run as a Republican for Governor, Debra Medina's campaign says, “Texans are one step closer to freedom!”

Debra Medina

“Texans are one step closer to freedom!”

So begins Debra Medina’s official campaign announcement that she has filed to be a gubernatorial candidate on the Republican primary ballot.

“Texans deserve a Governor who is more interested in the needs of Texans,” campaign manager Penny Langford Freeman said in a statement. “We are proud to have a candidate who is listening to the people and offering real solutions for the future of our state.”

Medina, the chair of the Republican Party of Wharton County, wears the "Tea Party" label proudly. According to her website, the central issues of her campaign include eliminating property tax, protecting gun ownership, securing our border, and restoring state sovereignty.

Medina does not have the funds or name recognition of her primary opponents, Rick Perry and Kay Bailey Hutchison, but she’s believes there’s more to a campaign than money. She recently told the Tribune, “If we could put a value on the shoe leather and elbow grease that has been applied to this campaign by the same activists that have been leading and attending the tea party and 9/12 events all over the state, we would look very competitive.”

"I believe as people look at the bigger picture, they'll have to recognize that neither Kay Hutchison nor Rick Perry offer any solutions that are very appealing to most Texans," she said. "Debra Medina is championing things that people get excited about."

As Medina heads into the fight, she says others — specifically Rick Pery — are running away.  The Medina camp released a statement today saying that, when it comes to official debates, "each time we confirm, the governor cancels."

"That's just not true," says Perry spokesman Mark Miner.

Hutchison spokesman Joe Pounder says, "We would welcome Medina's involvement in the January debate."

On Jan. 14, Perry and Hutchison are expected to square off in a debate put on by Dallas public broadcasting station KERA.  “When I called on November 19th, Shelley Kofler, News Director for KERA let me know that Debra is not invited to debate at this time, even though we meet their criteria,” said Langford Freeman.

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