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The Midday Brief: December 4, 2009

Your afternoon reading.

Your afternoon reading:

• “‘The only reason I was getting in this race was that I didn't see the leadership at the top of the ticket... to change the direction in which the state is headed,’ Gilbert said. ‘I feel now that we do have that candidate at the top.’”— 2010: Gilbert Switches to Ag, Endorses Shami — The Texas Tribune

• In what is becoming a near-daily ritual, Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-Texas, hammered away this morning at Democratic plans for health care reform on the Senate floor, calling proposed cuts to Medicare "astounding." — Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison continues to blast Democrats' health care plan — Trail Blazers

• “‘Shouldn’t we be the state that leads the nation, not that leaves the nation?’ White asked in obvious reference to Perry’s flirtation earlier this year with secession advocates.” — White launches campaign with Perry in his sightsPostcards

• "What does Bill White’s candidacy mean for Texas? What does it mean for Texas Democrats?” — A (Bill) White ChristmasDog Canyon

• “’Not having a viable Hispanic candidate on the ballot in November is somewhat of a hindrance to moving our base. It definitely is,’ said Hidalgo County Democratic Party Chair Dolly Elizondo.” — Valley Democrats say party needs Latinos on 2010 statewide ballotRio Grande Guardian

• “Evidence suggests that hundreds of Texans are in prison on false arson convictions. What can be done to free them—and prevent similar injustices in the future?” — Fire and InnocenceThe Texas Observer

New in The Texas Tribune:

• “And the speech is over. ‘He's ready to kick it,’ said White aide Bill Kelly. For our exit music, we get ‘Start Me Up’ by the Rolling Stones. Stay tuned for full video of the speech.” — Liveblogging the Bill White Announcement — The Texas Tribune

• “A shortage of medical care could have a far reaching effect on the state’s economy — in a very unexpected way.” — The "Other" Medical Shortage — The Texas Tribune

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