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Texas Abortion Restrictions

What the end of Roe v. Wade would mean for Texas’ past, current and future abortion laws

A trigger law making abortion illegal would go into effect within 30 days after the repeal of Roe v. Wade. An older law could hold people who get abortions criminally liable — but it’s unclear whether it would still apply.

Two women from Texas talk to each other about their travel to Oklahoma as they wait in the recovery room following their abortions at the Trust Women clinic in Oklahoma City, on Dec. 6, 2021.

A ban on abortions after about six weeks of pregnancy is in effect

Limitations on abortion-inducing medication

Texas’ “trigger law” would go into effect if Roe v. Wade is overturned

Will a pre-Roe v. Wade law go back into effect?

Texas’ murder statute exempts the “mother of [an] unborn child”

What about birth control in Texas?

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