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T-Squared: Marshalling Our Resources

Today's story on Death Row inmate Scott Panetti's impending execution marks the beginning of a new content partnership with The Marshall Project, a hard-hitting criminal justice policy start-up.

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As you've seen by now, The Texas Tribune is all about content partnerships, and this morning we're excited to supplement our own criminal justice reporting with a great story from The Marshall Project on Death Row inmate Scott Panetti's impending execution. 

This new relationship is significant for a variety of reasons.

First, The Marshall Project is a hard-hitting news start-up focused on criminal justice policy and one of our brothers-in-arms in a growing effort to offer nonpartisan, game-changing journalism to as many news organizations — and readers — as possible.

Second, its editor-in-chief is former New York Times Executive Editor Bill Keller, who was at the helm of the Times when the Trib forged its print and digital partnership with that storied newspaper more than four years ago.

Third, and maybe most exciting, today's piece is written by the great Maurice Chammah, a former Trib colleague who was knocking out stories on prisons and executions and wrongful convictions for us not too long ago.  

Keep your eyes peeled for future collaborations with The Marshall Project and other new news partners — digital-first and otherwise.

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