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A Legislative Vortex

Gov. Rick Perry is promising to bring lawmakers back for another special session if they can't dig their way out of the TWIA hole.

Gov. Rick Perry speaking to reporters alongside House Speaker Joe Straus, center, and Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst during a post-session press conference at the Texas Capitol on May 30, 2011.

Two things brought lawmakers back for special session, and Sen. Wendy Davis' end-of-session filibuster wasn't one of them. Gov. Rick Perry had promised to recall legislators if they couldn't agree on reforms to the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association.

Those talks fell apart well before Davis started talking on the last day of the session, and they're in tatters again now as the first special session draws to a close.

And just like he did almost a month ago, Perry is promising to bring lawmakers back for another special session if they can't dig their way out of the TWIA hole.

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State government 82nd Legislative Session Rick Perry State agencies Texas Legislature