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TribBlog: Life Imitates @RickPerryFacts

Anyone surprised by the Associated Press story about Gov. Rick Perry killing a coyote during his morning jog clearly doesn't follow @rickperryfacts on Twitter.

Gov. Perry fires an M-32 grenade launcher.

Anyone surprised by the Associated Press story about Gov. Rick Perry killing a coyote during his morning jog clearly doesn't follow @rickperryfacts on Twitter.

The Twitter feed, styled after popular Chuck Norris-themed humor (e.g. "Chuck Norris' tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried."), offers up a multitude of mythical "facts" about Perry.

On Monday, the day before the news broke that, while on a late February jog, Perry — laws be darned — cut down a coyote with a laser-sighted .380 Ruger pistol as it charged his daughter's beloved puppy, @rickperryfacts posted the following:

Rick Perry killed a crocodile that was about to eat an innocent puppy, using only his eyelids.

Clearly, whoever is anonymously running the feed really knows (like really, really knows) his or her stuff.

It's also worth noting that there is a feed for Perry's challenger, Democratic gubernatorial nominee Bill White. Though, @billwhitefacts is decidedly less "Chuck Norris" and more "Will Hunting."  Here's an example:

Bill White is up late, crunching numbers. Numbers have never had it so bad.

Wait! We need your help.


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