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2010: Newspaper Endorsements: Eagle for Kay, White, Gilbert

The Bryan-College Station paper's editorial board makes its picks.

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The Bryan-College Station Eagle has endorsed Kay Bailey Hutchison in the GOP primary for governor and Bill White in the Democratic primary for governor.


Perry's campaign attempts to portray Hutchison as a liberal in the mold of U.S. Rep. Barney Frank are laughable. Like most Texans, she is comfortably to the right of center, as her extensive record in the Senate shows. Asked why she would give up the seniority and the stature she has gained in the Senate over the past 17 years, Hutchison said it is time for someone else to begin building seniority in Congress. She said she would step down later this year to allow a new Texas senator to get a headstart. Frankly, we are sad to lose her in Washington, where she has been a passionate and effective voice for Texas since 1993.

Hutchison is focusing on three main areas in her bid for the nomination: education, transportation and ethics reform. She says the state's 30 percent dropout rate is unacceptable. Every child must get the preparation necessary to go to college if he or she chooses, Hutchison said.

The senator said she wants to reform the Texas Department of Transportation, an agency she termed arrogant. She said the agency needs a bottom-up mentality and a board that is more representative of the state as a whole.

Hutchison said she wants more "sunshine" in state government, more transparency and more accountability to the people of Texas. She said she would propose a constitutional amendment limiting the governor to no more than two four-year terms. She also would like to see a moratorium period on gubernatorial aides going to work as lobbyists.


As Houston mayor, White claims credit for adding more jobs than 334 states combined. He says he has made Houston government more efficient, even while cutting the property tax rate. He also claims credit for reducing the city's crime rate to the lowest level in more than 25 years. During his years as deputy secretary of the federal Department of Energy, White said he implemented management reforms that saved taxpayers more than $1 billion.

Clearly, White is by far the best candidate in the Democratic race for governor.

The Eagle also endorsed Hank Gilbert in the Democratic primary for Agriculture Commissioner.

While a student at Texas A&M, Gilbert owned his own cattle sale barn in Jacksonville. After graduation, he taught high school agriculture for 13 years.

If elected, Gilbert said he wants to do a better job marketing Texas agriculture, creating a demand for Texas-branded products. He said the commission must be a better watchdog on food safety.

Even if he had a legitimate opponent, Gilbert would stand out. He is knowledgeable and passionate about Texas agriculture.

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