Quotes of the Week

All the people who were watching this race were asking, ‘Are Trump voters real?’ and it turns out they were not. They weren’t real today, they won’t be real next week and they won’t be real the week after that.

Ted Cruz spokesman Rick Tyler to reporters after the Texas senator's victory in the Iowa GOP caucuses this week

We’re going to look back on Iowa in March and April, and it’s going to seem like the Crimean War. This thing is just beginning.

Former Mitt Romney strategist Stuart Stevens on his expectations of a long slog for both parties to the presidential nomination

If I went outside to get the paper and forgot to spray myself and a mosquito bit me, do I need to run to a doctor and have myself checked for Zika? No, you don’t.

Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins, seeking to allay fears after the first case of Zika virus in someone who hadn't traveled outside the U.S. surfaced in his county

Some Republicans in the state Legislature and small, poser, wannabe organizations will tell you that Texas Right to Life is an organization of unyielding, intransigent, stubborn, uncompromising jerks. Guilty as charged. And you ain’t seen nothing yet.

Texas Right to Life president Jim Graham wrote in an email to supporters Tuesday, as reported by The Dallas Morning News