Quotes of the Week

We have had lines that go one way, lines that go another way. We've had candidates in, candidates out. I keep raising my hand going, 'Excuse me. I'm here. I'm not going anywhere.'

Rodney Anderson, R-Grand Prairie, on redistricting, in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram

ore here: http://www.star-telegram.com/2012/01/29/3696484/texas-political-campaigns-cant.html#storylink=cpy

I believe Hispanics have been used as scapegoats, to say, they're the problem instead of being a symptom maybe of a problem with the welfare state. In Nazi Germany they had to have scapegoats to blame, and they turned on the Jews.

Ron Paul to a largely Hispanic crowd in Nevada on Wednesday

When you take all the non-Romney votes, it’s very likely that at the convention there will be a non-Romney majority and maybe a very substantial one. My job is to convert that into a Gingrich majority.

Newt Gingrich to Politico on his post-Florida strategy, which includes amassing delegates in Southern states, including Texas

It was his newsletter, and it was under his name, so he always got to see the final product. … He would proof it.

Renae Hathway, a former secretary for the company that published the inflammatory newsletters Ron Paul produced in the 1990s, to The Washington Post

In this country, everyone has the ability to pick and choose exactly what they do. I don't judge people. That's their ability.

U.S. Senate candidate Craig James on gay marriage, in a radio interview on Thursday