Quotes of the Week

Dewhurst, Sharp, Berman, Kimbrough, Ellis, and Chisum

Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, quoted by the Austin American-Statesman on comptroller warnings about revenues from the state's new business tax: "Comptroller Combs' estimate on the revenue generated by the reformed business tax validates the concerns I've had since last spring that it may not meet projections and could make balancing future budgets more difficult."

Democrat John Sharp, who lost to Dewhurst in 2002, then helped Gov. Rick Perry bring the tax into law, in the same paper: "I can't think of anyone who knows less about this tax than David Dewhurst."

Rep. Leo Berman, R-Tyler, quoted in The Dallas Morning News after finding that some of his immigrations bills won't get a hearing: "It's ridiculous that we can't talk about this in committee or on the floor of the House... divisive bills are what Legislatures do."

TYC conservator Jay Kimbrough, addressing fears he has a conflict of interest, in an interview with Texas Monthly: "I was in the AG's office (in March 2005, when a Texas Ranger filed a report detailing abuse at state facilities). I was in Dallas on November 22, 1963, too. In fact, I used to hang out at the Texas Theatre where Oswald was captured. I kid you not. Somebody ought to check into this."

Sen. Rodney Ellis, D-Houston, in the Houston Chronicle: "I'm not casting any aspersions on defeated judges. I mean, if I get defeated, surely it's not my fault."

Rep. Warren Chisum, R-Pampa, in the Austin American-Statesman: "Selling highways is not politically correct in this state. I don't care how much you get for it."